Sunday, September 11, 2011

My devotional meditation

Posted by: "J.M. Ngul Khan Pau"
Fri Jul 31, 2009 1:34 pm (PDT)

July 31, 2009

One of the marks of maturity is the ability of a person to accept the
responsibilities of their own talents to diligently develop the
inherent abilities they have been given by God and to make the most of
them with joy and thanksgiving. A person who does this can become a
success at any age.
Victor Hugo wrote his first tragedy at age 15. John de Medecci was 15
when he became a cardinal! Raphael painted a masterpiece before he died
at age 37. Tennyson wrote his first volume of poetry at age 18. Pascal
wrote his great works between the age of 16 and his death at 37. John of
Arc did all her work and was burned at the stake at 19. Romulus founded
Rome at 20. Calvin joined the Reformation at age 21 and wrote his famous
/*Institutes */at age 27. Alexander the Great had conquered his world by
the time he was 23. Isaac Newton was 24 when he introduced the Law of
Gravity. McCormick was 23 when he invented the reaper. Charles Dickens
wrote /Oliver Twist/ at 25. Age has nothing to do with the genius of
these great people. They merely took full responsibilities for their
God-given gifts and wasted no time as they maximized every opportunity
to its fullest potential.

We need to review our traditional concept of "age does matter." If we
are going to wait till we are 60's and 70's we will hardly have time to
contribute much for our Churches and Society. While fully appreciating
"gray hair and practical experience" if those whom we've mentioned
waited longer, we will not know about them and history will be less
complete. Therefore, let us contribute as much as possible, then we can
say "Life is worth living."


J.M. Ngul Khan Pau

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