Sunday, July 5, 2009

Zomi tawh kisai Laibute

1. It is unfortunate that we have no single book of a reliable, comprehensive history of Zo people. Therefore it is imperative that we collect data a little from here and a little from there. For milestones, and not for details, I suggest you read the few books, dissertations, articles, websites, etc., mentioned below, in addition to whatever else you have in your collection:(01) Carey, Bertram S., and H.N. Tuck. The Chin Hills : a history of the people, British dealings with them, their customs and manners, and a gazetteer of their country. Delhi, India: Cultural Publishing House, 1983[Originally published in 1896.]http://www.worldcat libraries. org/wcpa/ top3mset/ 10583451http://links. sici?sici= 0959-5295(1897)26%3C205% 3ATCHAHO% 3E2.0.CO% 3B2-DYou can buy it from Amazon for about $100.00 (one hundred dollars). com/gp/search? &index=blended& keywords= The%20Chin% 20Hills%20: %20a%20history% 20of%20the% 20people, %20British% 20dealings% 20with%20them, %20their% 20customs% 20and%20manners, %20and%20a% 20gazetteer% 20of%20their% 20country% 20%20Bertram% 20S%20Carey; H%20% 20N%20Tuck& _encoding= UTF8(02) Khai, Sing Khaw. Zo People and Their Culture: A historical, cultural study and critical analysis of Zo and its ethnic tribes. New Lamka-G, Churachandpur 795 128, Manipur, India: Khampu Hatzaw, 1995(03) Son, Vum. Zo History: With an introduction to Zo culture, economy, religion and their status as an ethnic minority in INDIA, BURMA, and BANGLADESH. Aizawl, Mizoram, India: Self-published? , September, 1986 [You already have it.](04) Mang, Pum Za. Kamhau Upadi. Burma: 1924Pilot. Khamtung Zomite' Thukhenna Ngeina Laibu (Chins' Rules) India: 1925ZoNet, 27 JUN 05 MONhttp://groups. group/zomi/ message/13186ZoNet, 19 JAN 06 THUhttp://groups. group/zomi/ message/17448ZoNet, 23 NOV 06 FRIhttp://groups. group/zomi/ message/23053[These are two versions of the Kamhau Code. The first book is both in Zolai and in Burmese. The second book is only in Zolai.](05) Gougin, T. History of Zomi. India: 1984(06) Kham, Nang Suan. "British administration in the Chin Hills and Chin Resistance Movement (1886-1923). " Diss. University of Yangon, 2006[This is an unpublished dissertation by Tg. Nang Suan Kham, Ph.D. in History, Associate Professor in History, University of Yangon.](07) Guite, Chinkholian. Politico-economic development of the tribals of Manipur: A study of the Zomis. India: Anmol Publications, 1999(08) Ngaihte, L. Chinza. Tribal Agrarian System of Manipur: A Study of Zomi. India: Anmol Publications, 1998(09) Lehman, F. K. The Structure of Chin Society: A Tribal People of Burma Adapted to a Non-Western Civilization. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1963(10) Stevenson, H.N.C. The Economics of the Central Chin Tribes. Bombay: Times of India Press, 1943(11) Mung, Khup Za, et al. Kamhau Ukpite' Tangthu leh Tonzang Khua Tangthu. Tonzang: Self-published, 2003[I am not sure about the exact title of the book. It was written by Tg. Khup Za Mung, Tg. Sian Lian Pau, Tg. Thang Do Pau, and Tg. Khup Lam Thang. If you can get the book, you might need someone to translate it into English.](12) Sukte Tangthu leh Tedim Khua Tangthu.[I am not sure about the exact title of the book.](13) Langh, Ngul. "Tedim Khua Tangthu." Zomi University Magazine 1980, ed. Tg. Pau Cin Thang[I am not sure about the exact title of the article. I think it is about the origin and administration of Tedim town and how Koine Tedim came to emerge.](14) Askeppee, Tg. "article?" Zomi University Magazine 1980, ed. Tg. Pau Cin Thang[I totally forget the title of the article. I think it is about how Koine Tedim language came to exist.](15) Golden Jubilee Commemorative Magazine of Tedim State High School (1948-1998)(16) Golden Jubilee Magazine of Falam State High School(17) Sukte Chronicle, ed. Pi Lia Luan Za Cing (Mrs. Sukte T. Hau Go)[This is a quarterly journal (published four times a year) published in Yangon.](18) Stevenson, H.N.C. "Feasting and Meat Division Among the Zahau Chins of Burma. A Preliminary Analysis." The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 67, Jan. - Jun., 1937 (Jan. - Jun., 1937), pp. 15-32http://links. sici?sici= 0307-3114(193701%2F06) 67%3C15%3AFAMDAT %3E2.0.CO% 3B2-E(19) Johnson, Robert G. History of the American Baptist Chin Mission: A history of the introduction of Christianity into the Chin Hills of Burma by missionaries of the American ... Society during the years 1899 to 1966. California: R. G. Johnson, 1988(20) Chatterjee, Suhas. Mizo Chiefs and The Chiefdom. New Delhi: M D Publications Pvt Ltd, 1995(21) Zou people (India)http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Zou_people_(India)(22) Zo (people)http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Zomi(23) Zomi Historyhttp://www.zogam. org/history. asp(24) Zomi National Congresshttp://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Zomi_National_ Congresshttp://hometown. znc.html2. The following could serve as your resource persons:Major Tg. Khup Cin Pau (Retd.), SingaporeTg. J. Thang Lian Pau, IndiaTg. Tualchin Neihsial, Ph.D. in History, IndiaTg. Nang Suan Kham, Ph.D. in History, MyanmarTg. Khup Khan Thang, USATg. Kham Za Nang, USALia Julia Man Ngaih Hau, Japan3. I am wondering to which university in Germany you intend to submit your thesis, and what the actual title of your thesis is.4. I wish you success in writing your thesis.

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