Posted by: "Carey Suante" mailme_carey
Mon May 11, 2009 5:09 am (PDT)
Does the Church still care about you? It's a strange question to ask, and a question many may not be ready to ask, too.
In other words, do you think the Church is doing enough for you and me, the members of the Church, the society to justify its prominent position today?
The Church has gained and held its prominent position thanks to the popularity of Christianity among the Zo people from 1900s to date. A society which was animistic a mere century ago has now become 100% Christian.
When the first missionaries landed in Zo inhabited areas like the present Chin State and Mizoram, their first project was reducing the local dialects into written words. To this end, Roman script has been used. Schools were then set up and books and newspapers began to be published to further the education of the Zo people to ready the populace to accept Christ and become Christians, as in Christ-like.
It is noteworthy that though the missionaries' main goal was to convert Zo people into Christians they did so by educating and spreading awarenes about health (hygiene),etc. Improving the social conditions of the society was first and foremost in their own interest.
Come to think of it, they first developed the society, the social life of the people only then did they preach the Gospel.
However, a century later, the Church seems to lack that societal responsibility. The Church totally isolates itself from the social and political life of its members. There seems to be a certain wariness and a 'holier than thou' attitude on the part of the Church.
While all these may not be the fault of the Church itself, the Church nevertheless should right this wrong. One reason I see why the Church cannot have this pervasive presence is due largely to the presence of NGOs, and the powerful philanthropic organisations in the society. These philanthropic organisations does all that needs be done in the society so the Church is left virtually without anything else to do.
With private schools gaining ground in the education system, there is hardly any chance to compete with them.
So, we now have the Church with nothing else to do but the weekly Sunday worship services and the lucrative missionary boards spreading the Message (and money, might I add!) to the ends of the world.
If this trend goes on for some more time, it won't be long before we have empty churches like in the West.
Reasons why the Church should have a more active role in the society:
The Church, at least in principle, is the only moderate institution in the Zo society today. All or most other social institutions are communal in nature and lack the foresight and the 'big heart' factor to work for the good of all.
The Church is immune to political favouritism, again at least in principle. Hopefully the Church is not influenced by the political bigwigs always looking to gain some kind of stronghold even within the Church.
The Church is the most well-funded Zo social institution: Unlike all other social institutions the Church, at least in principle, receives 10% (tithe) of the members' (gross/net?) income and therefore, no doubt, the most well-funded and richest institution. In spite of this, I don't see the Church spending much for the welfare of the members in terms of education, healthcare, etc. Maybe, I'm expecting too much here but then it is evident that the Church spends A LOT on missions outside Zo society. And yes most of these monies are spent on education and healthcare facilities of the locals! As if we ourselves don't need those!
In spite of all its failings, people still respect the Church: The Church should leverage this for its own sake and for the sake of the society. Its mightily evident there is no single social institution who command such respect as the Church. Therefore the Church is in a good position to change the society if needs be and/or maintain the status quo.
Because most other social institutions in our society are corrupt and people don't have faith in them anymore. Therefore their last resort is the Church!
Why the Church Fails to Cater to Its Members
The Church fails to appreciates its pervasive responsibility: As I said before, the Church seems to fails to see its responsibility beyond spiritual guidance of the society. It totally disconnects itself from worldly matters, I guess! Our churches seem to have this morbid fixation with life-after-death; and life-before- death is irrelevant! They would be well-advised to study and learn again from their missionaries, past or present.
Due to the presence of big NGOs and well-established philanthropic organisatios: All the rehabs and retreat centre being monopolised by foreign funded NGOs and 'social work' being monopolised by philanthropic organisations there is hardly any room for the Church to participate.
Choking strangulation by local elders: One interesting facet of the Zo Church is its governing system itself. The pastor who is the spiritual guide and leader is in reality a puppet of the Church elders. And, the Church elders are members of the Church who are most often without any theological traning. And somehow, the Church elders consist of men who could strong-arm the pastor and the Church itself. Balancing Act
When I propose a more active role by the Church within the society I do not mean that they forsake all their 'go unto the world and spread the Gospel'.. But there has to be a balance. After all your source of inspiration and funding is from the society. And, its not as if we still don't need education, orphanages, hostels, social projects like road-building, cultural events, sports, etc. Is there any Church who does all these?
Unless the Church learns to deal with today's problems, problems and issues faced by the members, the Church could very well become irrelevant in the near future.
Please remember, this generation is fast-food, instant gratification, instant messages, instant connectitivity generation. We have no patience. When we needs answers and solutions for today's issues and challenges, please don't point us to the life-after-death solution. If Jesus cares enough to perform miracle for the crowd to eat, maybe there is a lesson there for the Church. Meet the needs of the people even on earth!
Being Christ-like is also what is expected of the Church. Not only of the individual.
Maybe its time the Church shows us its humane side!
Carey Suante
New Delhi
www.zoaw.blogspot. com
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