Zomi today are pursuing education and other career opportunities, working in different cities of India and abroad. Coming from Christian background, they are holding their worship services wherever possible. Having felt the need for all Zomi Christian Fellowships to come together as ONE in the name of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, on this occasion of May 1, 2009, we, the representatives from different units of Zomi Christian Fellowships in India, solemnly resolve to unite ourselves under the name ZOMI CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP INDIA. True to the Christian spirit of our unity in Christ, and to propagate the redemptive work of the Cross wherever and whenever possible, we hereby affirm and dedicate ourselves to the following visions:-
That we are people of God chosen by Him to declare His faithfulness to the different people groups around us.
That we will work together for the HOLISITIC development and growth of all our member Units.
That each individual member shall stand for the unity of the fellowship and will not encourage destructive spirit of clanism, tribalism and one's own denomination affiliation. We will seek for the well-being of our community above our own personal vested interest.
To worship God in Spirit and Truth, Serve Him with humility and glorify His majesty, by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.
To harness our resources for strengthening all the ZCF Units to be the transformation agents for the extension of the Kingdom of God.
For the smooth functioning, efficient management and realization of the visions, goals, aims and objectives of the Fellowship, with an intention to fulfill God’s purposes in our lives and having discussed with and consented to by all the Constituent ZCF Units, we, hereby, accept to bind ourselves, adhere to and follow this Constitution in letter and spirit, and hence, unanimously adopt this constitution in our general meeting held on May 1, 2009.
We believe:
In the Holy Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired word of God, without error in the original manuscripts, the complete revelation of His will for our salvation and the Divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life.
There is one, and only one true God: Creator and Sustainer of all things, Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent, Self-existent, Immutable, Spirit, Incomprehensible, Eternal, Sovereign and Master of the Universe, infinitely perfect in love, goodness, holiness and justice.
That within the One Being or essence of God, there eternally exist three in one, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
In the full Deity and full humanity of Jesus Christ. These two distinct natures, perfect deity and perfect humanity, are inseparably united in one Person.
In Jesus Christ's virgin birth, sinless life, death on the cross for our sins, burial, bodily resurrection from the dead, ascension into heaven and seated at the right hand of God, and in His visible and bodily return.
In the full Deity and full personality of the Holy Spirit and in His work of regeneration and sanctification, and His work of uniting His Church.
That human beings are created in the image of God, to glorify God and be in fellowship with Him. We, however, rebelled against Him and are now sinners by nature and by choice. We, therefore, stand condemned before God, deserving of His wrath and are unable to reconcile ourselves to Him by any form or amount of human works, merits, or ceremonies.
That salvation comes only by the grace and love of God, through regeneration by the Holy Spirit, repentance of sin, and faith in the Person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In the spiritual unity of all believers in Christ, composing the Church, the body of Christ, which is visibly expressed in worship, fellowship and service in society.
In the bodily resurrection of the dead, of the believers to everlasting blessedness and joy with the Lord, of the unbelievers to judgment, everlasting conscious torment and separation from God. We further believe in the conscious existence of all souls between death and resurrection, of the believers in heaven with God, of the unbelievers in hell apart from the Lord.
In the existence of Angels and Satan and his demons. Angels are personal, spiritual beings in the service of God. Satan and his demons are personal, spiritual beings who are in rebellion against God, His angels, and His people. Their fate of eternal damnation was sealed by Christ at the cross and authority over them and their activities has been granted to all believers.
The Fellowship shall be called Zomi Christian Fellowship India. There will be a Coordination Committee (hereinafter referred to as the Coordination Committee)
The area of operation of the Committee will be all over India at present. The Committee at present is constituted by the Zomi Christian Fellowships of Guwahati, Kolkata, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Delhi and Pune. While welcoming new member and their affiliation to this body will be the discretion of the Executive Committee to accept or reject new applicants.
1. To have a common goal for the spiritual development and growth of members of the ZCF Units.
2. To strengthen and facilitate the ministry of ZCF units.
3. To build better relationship and partnership through networking among ZCF units.
4. To provide all possible guidance and strategic planning for human resource development for the ZCF units.
5. To organize conferences, seminars, trainings, camps, retreats etc and other ancillary services for development of spiritual, social, physical and educational work as and when necessary.
6. To act and facilitate the charitable, social, cultural, educational and spiritual services of the Committee including the management, supervision and administration of its affairs.
7. To provide, organize, promote, maintain, manage, and render charitable and benevolent services irrespective of race, caste, creed and color, nationality, community, religion or sex.
8. To establish practical relationship with organizations having similar aims and objectives.
9. To undertake relief and rehabilitation measures during natural calamities, disasters and man-made disasters wherever necessary.
10. To undertake such activities as considered necessary for enhancing the quality and of life of all, especially the Zo people living in different cities of India and abroad.
1. The ZCF India Coordination Committee will be selected from the Executive Committee members of the different ZCF Units. There will be Executive Committee selected out of the Coordination Committee.
2. Designated pastors or chaplains will be automatically ex-officio members of Coordination Committee.
1. Functions of the Executive Committee in ZCF India
i. The function of the committee is to facilitate and act on behalf of the Coordination Committee.
ii. The committee will receive the annual ministry reports of the Units for information and disseminate it to the unit members.
iii. The committee will look into the needs of the ZCF Units and extend help in whatever possible way and encourage the units to achieve their goals.
iv. The committee will facilitate the cooperation of all the ZCF Units for instance, through organizing inter-unit visits, financial support, sharing of prayer requests, etc.
v. Apart from their respective functions, it will be the duty and responsibility of all the members to extent cooperation and assist the Committee in discharging its responsibility prudently in whatever way possible and whenever necessary.
vi. The function of the Executive Committee is to oversee the administration, management, coordination of different activities and implementing guidelines and decisions taken in the ZCF Coordination Committee.
2. Functions of the Chairperson
i. The Chairperson is the executive head of the Organization and therefore he/she will have authority and responsibility for all aspects of the organization.
ii. He/she shall conduct all the meetings of the Coordination Committee / Executive Committee.
iii. He/she is empowered to call Coordination Committee meetings / Executive meetings / Emergency meetings as and when necessary.
3. Functions of the Vice- Chairperson
i. The Vice-Chairperson will assist the Chairperson in every possible way in discharging his/her duties and responsibilities effectively.
ii. He/she is empowered to chair the meeting on behalf of the chairman in his/her absence.
4. Functions of the Secretary
i. The Secretary shall be responsible for proper maintenance of all records of the ZCF India. He/ she shall circulate resolutions and minutes to all concern ZCF units.
ii. He/she shall be the recording secretary in all the Coordination/Executive and other meetings.
iii. He/she shall be responsible for keeping records of Minutes of meetings. Registers, Statistics, Information, Correspondences, files, Reports.
5. Functions of the Assistant Secretary
i. The Asst. Secretary shall assist the Secretary in every possible way in discharging his/her duties and responsibilities effectively.
ii. He/she is empowered to function on behalf of the Secretary in his/her absence
6. Functions of the Finance Secretary – cum- Treasurer
i. The Finance Secretary -cum – Treasurer shall maintain and look after the Cash Book of the ZCF India.
ii. He/she shall be responsible for Financial Receipts and Expenditure details and keeping Receipts, Cash Memo / Vouchers / Bills, etc of each transaction
iii. It shall be his/her responsibility to present Financial Statements / Accounts correctly to the Audit Committee constituted by the Coordination / Executive Committee.
The terms of the Coordination and Executive Committee will be two years.
1. The membership of the ZCF India shall consist of those who subscribe to its Statement of Faith and the AIMS AND OJECTIVES.
2. Every member of the Fellowship shall be bound by the provisions of the CONSTITUTION of the Fellowship and decisions made or taken by the Coordination / Executive Committee from time to time.
3. Any individual who is a member of any ZCF Units is automatically a member of the ZCF India through the Unit he or she belongs.
4. Rights and Privileges of Membership. At any meeting of the Coordination or Executive Committee, every member present shall have equal vote. The members of the Units shall raise their concern in the meetings through their respective representatives.
The Executive Committee meeting will he held at least ONCE in a year while the Coordination Committee will be held once in two years. Simple majority will form the quorum of both the meetings.
1. Election will be done through nomination by the Election Committee constituted by the Executive Committee.
2. Person(s) to be nominated to Coordination and Executive Committee should be a member of any one of the ZCF Units.
3. Person(s) to be nominated shall be God fearing, man and woman of integrity, spiritually mature and set good example in Christian life.
4. Any member from the previous Coordination or Executive Committee can be re-nominated for the next term in the same capacity or in any other capacity.
5. In case of resignation of any nominated and accepted Coordination or Executive Committee member, the newly constituted Executive Committee shall accept/reject his/her resignation or take any remedial action deemed appropriate, including nomination of any new person to replace him/her.
The Executive Committee will constitute Audit Committee consisting three members from the members of the Unit to which the Treasurer belongs. Audit shall be done yearly.
The Coordination Committee of ZCF India will raise funds by accepting donations, subscriptions, endowments, gifts or voluntary contribution in cash or kind, moveable and immovable properties, foundations, bequests from any person(s), establishments, organizations, institutions and churches, for the furtherance of the aims and objects of the Fellowship and upon such terms and conditions as the Coordination or Executive Committee reserve its absolute discretion to decides.
All the ZCF Units will function independently according to their respective context and particular needs. However, being a member of ZCF India, it is the duty and responsibility of the entire member Units to co-operate and discharge any obligation under this Constitution to facilitate the effective and smooth functioning of the Fellowship.
The Fellowship can amend its constitution with the approval of SIMPLE majority of the Coordination Committee present in the meeting. However, the proposed amendments shall have to be circulated to all the Coordination Committee in advance.
In case of dissolution of the ZCF India after paying all the debts, the property and all assets of the Fellowship shall be given to like-minded organization(s) with similar aims and objectives, as decided by the Coordination or Executive Committee.
After deliberation of the draft constitution, members present in the consultation raised their right hand as a token of acceptance, affirmation and adoption of the new constitution on this day of May 1 (Friday), 2009 at L.M. Hostel Auditorium, CBCNEI, Mission Compound, Pan bazaar Guwahati-781001. Assam (North East India)
Rev. B. Chin Lam Thang, Zonal Field Secy. IEM North East India, dedicated the newly adopted constitution with thanksgiving to Almighty God in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
{Members present in Consultation Annexure I on page 10-11}
The session was facilitated by Rev.Dr. JM Ngul Khan Pau, Local Pastor, ZCF Guwahati.
1. ZCF India Head Office: New Delhi being the capital of India and ZCF Delhi is look upon as the mother of all ZCF India units. Hence the committee has unanimously agreed and resolved that the ZCF New Delhi would be the Head office of ZCF India.
2. Common Song Book: A consensus was reached on having a uniform songbook for all the ZCF India units. It was concurred by all that ZCF Guwahati would take the lead in collecting and compiling songs of all ZO languages and share it across the units for their comments and suggestions before it is being finalized and published. The finalized copy would be henceforth used in all ZCF units across India.
3. Common Emblem: The members discussed on having a common emblem and have unanimously resolved that ZCF Delhi (A) unit would initiate the process of developing one and shared the concept across the units for their suggestions and consensus. Henceforth the approved and adopted emblem would be emblazoned in all units’ letterhead.
4. Common Web-site: The need for having a website was felt by all members as a way of correspondence and sharing of information. The concept was appreciated and it was unanimously agreed that ZCF Delhi would take the initiative in developing ZCF India website. Executive Committee would follow up in coordination and consultation with unit branch for finalization of the lay out and content of the website.
5. Registration under Society Acts: The proposal was well appreciated and welcome by the members. However the process of registration requires certain formalities and time consuming. Hence the Coordination Committee would follow up on registration three years from now.
6. Financial Contribution: The committee unanimously passed a resolution that each existing ZCF units would contribute Rs. 2000/- towards the newly formed Committee as a seed money. Further requirements will be reviewed by the Executive as and when necessary. Furthermore it was also resolved that the ZCF India Executive Committee would take up and decide on the proposal of having Zomi Endowment Fund (Zomi Charitable Foundation) to meet exigencies as stated in the aims and objectives.
7. Ordination: Upon fervent request of ZCF Vikaspuri consequently concur by members present and without any adverse stand from any quarters, the committee unanimously agreed to confer licentiate ordination (limited authority to perform ministerial responsibilities) to Evan. Thawng Khan Lian, acting pastor of ZCF Vikaspuri, New Delhi on May 2nd 2009. This would enable him to discharge pastoral responsibilities. The New Executive Committee ZCF India would further take up necessary actions for full ordination in 2010.
8. Communication: Precedence of using Zo or English languages for official communication was deliberated upon and concurred that both languages can be use interchangeably according to the context, convenience and preference of an individual. It is left to the discretionary of an individual to choose the languages for correspondence.
9. Dual membership: Dual membership is acceptable. So long as an individual remains with any ZCF India units, he / she is be considered as full member. He / she need not withdraw his or her original membership from the mother Church where he/she belongs.
10. Mission Statement: The committee felt the need to have Mission Statement for ZCF India'. The Executive Committee is entrusted to draft mission statement in consultation with units’ members of ZCF India.
11. Nomination Committee: Nomination Committee was set up who in turn would nominate units members for formation of ZCF India Coordination Committee. The Nomination Committee consists of five members:
• Dr.S.Neng Ngaih Lian-ZCF(Guwahati)
• Mr. Kaplianlal Thangluai-ZCF(Guwahati)
• Mr.M.Khaibiaklun-ZCF(Pune)
• Mr. Mang Lian Thang-ZCF(Vikaspuri)
• Mr. G. Swan Za Lian-ZCF(Delhi)
• Mr. Chinsuan Guite-ZCF(Guwahati)-Special Invitee
The business session of Silver Jubilee consultation was closed with dedication of newly nominated Coordination Committee with thanks giving prayer by Rev. G.K. Samte, Pastor Delhi.
Annexure 1
Members present during the consultation Name Designation Fellowship Units
1. Rev. Dr. JM Ngul Khan Pau Local Pastor ZCF Guwahati
2. Evan. T.K Lianpu Pastor ZCF Vikaspuri
3. Rev. GK Samte Pastor ZCF New Delhi
4. Mr. Khaichinlam Ge. Secy ZCF Guwahati
5. Mr. M. Chinsuan Guite Chairman ZCF Guwahati
6. Rev. B.Chinlamthang Zonal Field Secy. NEI, IEM ZCF Guwahati
7. Mr. G. Swan Za Lian Vice Chairman ZCF New Delhi
8. Mr. Mang lian Thang Chairman ZCF Vikaspuri
9. Mr. T. Benson Members Pune ZCF
10. Mr. Khaibiaklun Finance Secretary Pune ZCF
11. Upa. Nengzakhup Mission Secretary ZCF Guwahati
12. Nu. Chinngaikim Member ZCF Guwahati
13. Nu. Aneng Chairman, Women’s Wing ZCF Guwahati
14. Nu. Nunthian Secretary, Women’s Wing ZCF Guwahati
15. Nu. Niangzavung Treasurer, women’s Wing ZCF Guwahati
16. Nu. Vungzangai Member ZCF Guwahati
17. Nu.Vang Hoih Man Member ZCF Guwahati
18. Nu. Gousiamching Member ZCF Guwahati
19. Mr. Chinthianlal Simte Vice Chairman, Youth Wing ZCF Guwahati
20. Mr. James Thangsuanlian Youth , Treasurer ZCF Guwahati
21. Mr. Lienkholal Gangte Member ZCF Guwahati
22. Mr. Mangthansang Member ZCF Guwahati
23. Rev. V Pumkam Assistant Pastor ZCF Guwahati
24. Ms. Merian Simte Member ZCF Guwahati
25. Mr. Phunglianpau Youth Secretary ZCF Guwahati
26. Mr. L. Khuppa Vaiphei Finance cum Treasurer ZCF Guwahati
27 Dr. S. Neng Ngaih Lian Ex- General Secretary ZCF Guwahati
28 Nu. Sangkim Member ZCF Guwahati
29 Nu. Chingouman Member ZCF Guwahati
30 Mrs. Ching Tawi Lun Finance ZCF Vikaspuri
31 Mr. Toshi Thang lian Mang Member ZCF Guwahati
32 Mr. Henjoy Khongsai Member ZCF Guwahati
33 Mr. Nicky Ginlianlal Member ZCF Guwahati
34. Mr. Kaplianlal Thangluai Assistant Secretary ZCF Guwahati
President: Mr.G. Swan Za Lian
Vice President:Mr. Lian Naulak
Secretary :Mr. Kaplianlal Thangluai
Asst Secretary:Mr.Ginminthang Shoute
Treasurer :Mr. John Seldou
Finance :Mr. Lianthansiam Valte
The Committee appointed by the General Body of the Zomi Christian Fellowship India, for nominating members of the Coordination Committee of ZCF India, met on the 1st may, 2009 at 5:30 P.M. in the Chapel Hall of the ZCF Guwahati, Mission Compound and discussed the nomination of members for the coordinating Committee of Zomi Christian Fellowship India.
The following members were present:
Dr.S.Neng Ngaih Lian-ZCF(Guwahati)
Mr. Kaplianlal Thangluai-ZCF(Guwahati)
Mr. Mang Lian Thang-ZCF(Vikaspuri)
Mr. G. Swan Za Lian-ZCF(Delhi)
Mr. Chinsuan Guite-ZCF(Guwahati)-Special Invitee
The nominating committee asked Dr.S.Neng Ngaih Lian to Chair the meeting and Mr. G. Swan Za Lian was requested to record the proceedings of the meeting.
After much deliberations and consultations with the various Units of ZCF in India(over phone etc.), the committee decided to nominate the following members of the various units to the Coordinating Committtee of the Zomi Christian Fellowship India:
Bangalore : a. Mr. Lianthansiam Valte
b. Mr. Haominthang Zou
Chennai : a. Mr.K.C.Thang
b. Mr. P.Thangsuanlal
Delhi : a. Mr. Haulienkap
b. Mr.G. Swan Za Lian
Guwahati : a. Dr.S.Neng Ngaih Lian
b. Mr. Kaplianlal Thangluai
Kolkata : a. Mr. Gin Khan Chin
b. Mr. Lian Naulak
Mumbai : a. Mr.Nengzamang Tonsing
b. Mr.Ginminthang Shoute
Pune : a. Mr. John Seldou
b. Mr.E.Suanlian
Vikaspuri(Delhi) : a. Mr. Mang Lian Thang
b. Mr.Lucas Lian Za Mung
c. The Committee also decide to nominate the following pastors/chaplains as Ex-Officio members of the coordinating committee:
Dr.(Rev) J.M.Ngul Khan Pau (Guwahati)
Rev. G.K.Samte(Delhi)
Evan.Tongminthang Haokip(Pune)
The meeting was closed with prayer by Dr.S.Neng Ngaih Lian
Sd/- Sd/-
(Dr.S.Neng Ngaih Lian) (G. Swan Za Lian)
Chairman Recording Secretary
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