Wednesday, September 14, 2011


J.M. Ngul Khan Pau
251. N. Oakland Ave. #4
Pasadena, CA 91101, USA.

1. There are a variety of reasons that have led to the Zomi Diaspora the migration of Zomi people from their ancestral lands to many different parts of the world. List what you consider to be the top five reasons this has taken place?

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2. List the names of nations and areas of settlements? (If the space is not enough please use the back pages)

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3. What is the population of Zomi in your area, state and nation where you are living? Please give the statistic.


4. What are some of the challenges you face in the new country? What advice or suggestions you would like to give to those who will be coming after you?


5. Considering that nothing happen without the knowledge and purpose of God, list some of the possible reasons of Zomi diaspora around the world?

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6. There are quite a good number of people who left Myanmar before 1988 Democracy cracked down, what could be some of the possible reasons of leaving Myanmar?

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7. Describe in your own words what you know of 1988 cracked down and the consequences of it?


8. What were some of the differences between 1988 and 2007 suppressions of demonstrations and the results thereof?


9. What accelerates Zomi to seek “refugee” or political asylum status today? Is it political, economic, and religious or any other reasons?


10. List the names of Zomi Christian Fellowships, Zomi Innkuan or Churches in your area, giving email Ids of the local leaders?


11. Are there similarities between the Jewish diaspora in the first century and Zomi in the 21st century? If yes, please write down the points?


12. Are the Zomi Christian Fellowships reaching the unreached people in your area? If not why do you feel that is the case?


13. Do you see a good model (s) of mission and evangelism in your area that you can adopt it and recommend to others? What type of mission and evangelism program will be suitable to your context?


14. In what way your Fellowship or individual members are involve in mission and evangelism program in Chin State or in Myanmar?


15. Read Jeremiah 29:4-14 and write what are your responsibilities in the nation where you are living today light of the letter sent to the Jews on exile in Babylon?


16. What might be the benefits or disadvantages of having a Zomi Global Ministries by forming an alliance or association in each country and perhaps having an office or Committee in the International level?


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